Finders Keepers
A Deepscape Files Adventure
by Sean Kingsley
A sun-soaked, high-stakes adventure from London to Key West, where the lure of $250 million in lost Spanish treasure sets the stage for an autumn of discovery, danger, and daring beneath the waves.
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The unlikeliest of lovers smiled at the furious blue god and threw themselves into the ocean. Far in the distance, a lone man peered through the sea mist at the madness born to greed. The naked American Indian threw back his head and howled.
Excerpt from Finders Keepers
They thought the summer would last forever. They thought they were immortal. Fate would soon lay bare that what this carload of kids really knew about each other was skin deep. They barely knew themselves.
Excerpt from Finders Keepers
“Me, I’m in the business of dreams,” the Barracuda replied. “I chase storms and the ships they chew up and spit out. And in those wrecks are unimaginable treasures, the lost wealth of the Spanish empire.”
Excerpt from Finders Keepers
Somewhere below the swell, hundreds of millions in gold and silver – choked by seaweed – litter the ocean. If only it would be kind enough to show its face.
Excerpt from Finders Keepers
Keys Exploration was nobody’s fool. They challenged the deep in international waters because this was the sunken realm of finders keepers. Tough luck if the law lagged years behind the latest technology.
Excerpt from Finders Keepers
The Barracuda: “The seas giveth and the seas taketh away. We’ll fight on to the gates of hell. We may be poor, Keys Exploration may go bust tomorrow, but the real treasure are the stories we’ve shared and the friendships made for life.”
Excerpt from Finders Keepers
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Sean Kingsley